Monday 28 August 2017


NECK ARM SYNDROME - Neck arm syndrome or neck arm pain, are umbrella terms which encompass a variety of conditions affecting your neck or upper back that also include some arm symptoms. The most common type of neck arm pain is Neck-Shoulder Pain, which is obviously a relationship between neck and shoulder pain. Neck-arm pain is specific to dysfunctions which refer symptoms down the arm and have the potential to cause abnormal neural tension or compression. Neural tension refers to the amount of strain on a nerve at rest and with movement. An abnormal increase in neural tension occurs when the nerve becomes caught or restricted anywhere along its path. Common causes for this include a restriction in neck joint mobility, inflammation at soft tissue interfaces or muscle spasm around a nerve. Neural tension can be increased or decreased by changing the position of your arm. Different arm positions will target different nerve branches. Your physiotherapist is an expert at assessment of your neurodynamics 

  • Neck pain, stiffness or soreness
  • Pins and needles 
  • Numbness  
  • Weakness  
  • Burning, sharp or dull pain radiating down the arm.

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