Saturday 5 August 2017


BULGING DISC - In most cases, bulging discs appear at the rear and side portions of the affected disc, and can put abnormal pressure on the nerve below the disc, causing a range of pain types. In severe cases, you may experience heaviness in your legs and/or difficulty walking.
Common symptoms of Bulging Disc include:
- In the #lumbar spine: pain, numbness, tingling, burning, and weakness in the lower back, buttocks, legs, and feet
- In the #cervical spine: pain, numbness, tingling, burning, and weakness in the neck, arms, hands, and sometimes in the head
- In the #thoracic spine (less common): pain in the upper back, radiating through the stomach or chest, which patients often confuse for cardiovascular problems

Bulging discs occur when pressure on a spinal disc damages or breaks down the once healthy disc, causing it to compress or change its normal shape. Potential causes of this pressure include:

Additional common #Bulging Disc causes include:

  • Age-related wear and tear, which can lead to #Degenerative Disc Disease.
  • Back or neck strain due to repetitive #physical activity, #poor posture, #imbalances in the musculature, or #heavy lifting
  • Direct physical injury such as a car accident or fall
  • #Genetics, whether or not the symptoms appeared in your parents

In some cases, damage only affects the inner layers of the disc’s outer covering and leaves the inside of the disc intact—this describes a bulging disc. In other cases, the outside of the disc tears and the disc’s inner gel-like substance leaks out into the surrounding spaces in the spinal column—this describes a herniated disc. 

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