Thursday 3 August 2017

DOMS - DELAYED ONSET MUSCLE SORENESS - Muscle fever — such a wonderfully descriptive term — is that distinctive muscle pain that nearly everyone experiences after intense or unfamiliar exercise, often peaking as long as a day or two later. Because of the delay, it is best known as DOMS — delayed-onset muscle soreness. Sometimes #DOMS is so severe that it is mistaken for a muscle #strain, an actual injury. Muscle fever is a great term because DOMS makes your muscles feel sickly and gross as well as sore. #Weakness is another symptom, major and measurable — but only hardened competitors are likely to test their strength while feeling so sore and oogy. The nastiness starts after a bit of a delay, often after sleeping, and then continues for 24 to 72 hours. Some people don’t even notice it until the second day. If you do the same workout again a few days later, it’s nowhere near as bad.

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