Thursday 4 October 2018


NECK PAIN \ CERVICAL PAIN - The cervical spine in your neck is made up of seven bones called vertebrae, which are separated by discs filled with a cushioning gel-like substance. Your cervical discs both stabilise your neck and allow it to turn smoothly from side to side and bend forward to back.The space between the vertebrae narrows and nerve roots become pinched. This process is known as cervical degenerative disc disease. As degenerative disc disease progresses, the neck becomes less flexible, and you may feel neck pain and stiffness, especially towards the end of the day. The most common and obvious symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease are neck pain and a stiff neck. When one of these conditions presses on one or more of the many nerves running through the spinal cord, you also can develop pain, numbness, or weakness radiating down your shoulder, arm, and hand.

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