Friday 16 November 2018


A common source of groin pain is adductor tendinopathy. There are five hip adductor muscles: pectineus, adductor brevis and adductor longus (called short adductors) go from the pelvis to the thigh bone and the gracilis and adductor magnus (long adductors) go from the pelvis to the knee. The main function of these adductor muscles is to pull the legs together. They are also used quite a lot in sprinting, playing football, horse riding and hurdling. Tendon injuries (tendinopathies) are common. They can occur through overuse or as a result of a previous injury such as a groin strain.

  • Pain in the groin at the top of the adductor muscles that can radiate down the leg.
  • Pain on resisted hip flexion.
  • Pain at a specific point on the bone in the groin.
  • Pain when you press the legs in together against resistance. 
  • Have difficulty in running especially sprinting.

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