Thursday 20 September 2018


NOCTURNAL LEG CRAMPS - Nocturnal leg cramps are pains that occur in the legs during the night. They usually cause awakenings from sleep, but they may also occur while awake at night during periods of inactivity. These cramps mostly happen in the calf muscles but can also occur in the thighs or feet. Nocturnal leg cramps are quite painful and cause the affected muscles to feel tight or knotted. Symptoms may last from several seconds up to several minutes. There might also be muscle soreness after the cramp goes away. Nocturnal leg cramps are more common in adults over age 50, but they also do occur in younger adults and children. Both men and women seem to be equally affected.

The cause of nocturnal leg cramps is often times unknown, but some cases have been linked to:
  • Sitting for long periods of time 
  • Over-exertion of the muscles 
  • Standing or working on concrete floors 
  • Sitting improperly

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