Wednesday 14 February 2018


  • SPIRAL SCOLIOSIS - It is the sideways (lateral tilt) curvature of the spine with vertebral rotation.
  • The curve is usually "S" or "C" shaped which may cause stress and pressure upon the spinal discs, nerves, ligaments, muscles or facet joints causing mid or low back pain depending upon the location.
  • It causes local inflammation around the strained muscles causing pain, difficulty in breathing in severe cases as the rib cage can twist and tighten the space available for the lungs.

Signs and symptoms of scoliosis may include:
  • Uneven shoulders
  • One shoulder blade that appears more prominent than the other
  • Uneven waist
  • One hip higher than the other
If a scoliosis curve gets worse, the spine will also rotate or twist, in addition to curving side to side. This causes the ribs on one side of the body to stick out farther than on the other side.

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