Monday 7 November 2016


TOTAL KNEE REPLACEMENT - Patients with severe destruction of the knee joint associated with progressive pain and impaired function maybe candidates for total knee replacement. Osteoarthritis is the most common reason for knee replacement operation. Physical therapy is an essential part of rehabilitation after total knee replacement. A TKR is a complex procedure that requires an orthopedic surgeon to make precise measurements and skillfully remove the diseased portions of your bone, in order to shape the remaining bone to accommodate the knee implant. After knee replacement surgery, you are usually sent home or to a rehabilitation facility, depending on your condition at that time. If you are sent to a facility, the average rehabilitation stay is approximately seven to ten days.

After knee replacement surgery, you should not pivot or twist on the involved leg for at least six weeks. Also during this time, when lying in bed, you should keep the involved knee as straight as possible. Kneeling and squatting also should be avoided soon after knee joint replacement surgery. Stair climbing should be kept to a minimum. Make the necessary arrangements so that you will only have to go up and down the steps once or twice a day. A firm, straight-back chair is extremely helpful in adhering to these joint precautions. Recliners should not be used. To help avoid falls, all throw rugs should be removed from the floor and rooms should be kept free of unnecessary debris. Enthusiastic pets should be kept far away until you have healed.

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