Tuesday 28 February 2017


DEGENERATIVE JOINT DISEASE - Joints, which are the points in the body where two bones meet, are what facilitates movement and provides stability to the musculoskeletal system. Within the joints, areas of cartilage support nearby bones by adding a cushioning of sorts and preventing them from grinding against one another. Joints bear a significant amount of the body’s weight and are regularly strained as an individual goes about their everyday activities. For this reason, joints are highly susceptible to gradual deterioration and injury. Degenerative joint disease, commonly referred to as “osteoarthritis”, is a condition in which the shock-absorbing cartilage that cushions joints becomes inflamed, breaks down and is eventually lost. 

The primary cause for degenerative joint disease is age and general wear and tear incurred due to the body’s natural aging process. However, certain factors can incite or exacerbate this condition, such as:
  • Frequently lifting heavy objects or making strenuous movements, often due to manual labor and jobs requiring a lot of physical activity
  • Congenital joint malformation
  • Genetic predisposition and gender, as women are more likely to encounter osteoarthritis than men
  • Joint injuries or unexpected traumas, such as those that may occur in a car accident or high-impact sport. Even if the wound has healed, it can increase your risk of developing osteoarthritis years later.
  • Obesity or carrying extra weight
  • Lack of exercise and regular activity
  • Smoking
  • Malnutrition

Friday 17 February 2017


VERTIGO - Vertigo is a sensation of feeling off balance. If you have these dizzy spells, you might feel like you are spinning or that the world around you is spinning.
Less often vertigo may be associated with:
  • Head or neck injury
  • Brain problems such as stroke or tumor
  • Certain medications that cause ear damage
  • Migrane Headache
  • Spinning
  • Tilting
  • Swaying
  • Unbalanced
  • Pulled to one direction
  • Feeling nauseated
  • Vomiting
  • Abnormal or jerking eye movements
  • Headache
  • Sweating
  • Ringing in the ears or hearing loss

Vertigo is often triggered by a change in the position of your head.
Symptoms can last a few minutes to a few hours or more and may come and go.